Our Senedd Committees
Please see below the action points from our Senedd Committees:
Criw Cymreig
- Answer school phone in Welsh
- Cymraeg Campus activities
- Develop Yard Games
- Dydd Shwmae – wear coch, gwyrdd or gwyn or dress as a famous Welsh celebrity - Play Welsh games
- Seren a Sbarc Day – play games and role-play the characters
- Welsh around the school - displays
- Welsh home tasks - why is learning Welsh important?
- Sentence of the week given to each class and year 6 will introduce in Merit assembly
- Criw Cymraeg meetings and assemblies
- Daily Welsh games in class
- Eisteddfod plans
Digital Ambassadors
- Write some iPad rules
- Put the new iPads into the new cases and organized the iPad chargers.
- The ipad hub will be locked and the Digital Leaders will be able to get the key from the office when they have been booked out.
- Minecraft either in class or for homework. Training so that teachers are more confident in using it. Minecraft to set tasks that are purposeful in class.
- More coding – training needed.
- More learning games- next time digital leaders teach each other how to scan QR codes.
- Other games? English / RE
- Safer internet day ideas:
- Assembly
- Each class to take part in a lesson
- Minecraft – there's no Place like home- being safe online
- Hwb stop motion animation about keeping safe online
- Kahoot
- Posters advertising safer Internet day
- Discuss areas we need to upskill our digital leaders so they can help in class.
- Logging in to Hwb
- Older digital leaders to offer help to younger classes with logging in to Hwb.
- Laptop rules
- Canva
- Screen shots & printing
- J2 blast
- Copying and pasting (on laptops and ipads)
- Practice using painting app
Eco- Committee
- New recycling bins and labels
- Platinum Award lessons
- Saving electricity – turning off lights
- Walk or cycle to school – use bike racks
- Competition for new Eco Code
- Friendship Forest
- New fruit trees
- Outdoor classroom and Forest Schools
Rights Respecting School Super Ambassadors
- Online meeting with Children’s Commissioner for Wales – Rocio Cifuentes
- Monthly matters – discussed in class and information sent to the commissioner
- Discuss School issues
Health School Ambassadors
- Posters – Washing hands correctly
- Wellbeing Week activities
- Fruit stands
- Stickers awarded to children who make healthy options for lunch
Values and Worship
- Plan details for certificates to reflect the half termly Christian Values
- Refugee week worships and activities
Ugandan Ambassadors
- Ugandan Day
- Donations of pens, pencils sharpeners, colouring pencils and toys from Wales
- Fruit tasting
- Drummers and dancers
- Come to school wearing Ugandan flag colours
- Live link with our school Nashisa Primary and list of questions we want to ask
- Class tasks:
- Letters about what it’s like to go to AJL school and live in Wales
- Write prayers for the children and staff of our link school
- Write/draw and paint pictures of famous Welsh people
- Paint and draw portraits of ourselves – list things we like to do
- Photographs of activities we do in school through a week
- Facts about where we live