Pupil Wellbeing
Nurture sessions within Archdeacon John Lewis provide support for children's social & emotional well-being and their behaviour, allowing the child to develop resilience whilst also building up their confidence and self worth.
Sessions will take place either on a one-to-one basis with Mrs Hulme or within a small group of children. During the sessions, children will be offered a snack and a drink and will participate in an activity, sometimes art, cooking, mindfulness and games. During the nurture session, positive affirmations and praise are given to the child and role modelling is shown. The sessions take place in a room where the child feels comfortable, without other children interrupting. Children on the nurture programme are also able to ask to speak to Mrs Hulme outside of their regular sessions if they so wish.
An ELSA in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. ELSAs are specialists with a wealth of experience of working with children and young people. ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by Educational Psychologists.
Our ELSA at Archdeacon John Lewis CiW Primary School is Miss S Tarr.
ELSAs are warm, kind and caring people who want to make children and young people feel happy in school. and to reach their potential socially, emotionally and academically. They understand the barriers to learning that some children and young people might have and can help them with this.
They can support the children and young person’s emotional development and help them cope with life’s challenges. ELSAs will also help children and young people to find solutions to problems they might have.
An ELSA is not there to fix problems but to help them find their own solutions and offer that important support to a child or young person.
Relationships are key in helping children and young people to feel safe and nurtured. ELSA is about creating a reflective space for the child or young person.
Sometimes things happen in life such as a death, divorce, illness, hospital stay, and so on. An ELSA can help the child or young person reactively which means they can support them immediately when things like this happen. Through a strong relationship with the ELSA, the child or young person can feel safe and cared for and know that someone is there for them. Reactive support is very much about active listening. It is child or young person led and there aren’t any targets.
What areas does an ELSA help with?
- Loss and bereavement
- Emotional Literacy
- Self-esteem
- Social Skills
- Friendship issues
- Relationships
- Managing strong feelings
- Anxiety and worries
- Bullying
- Conflict
- Emotional Regulation
- Growth Mindset
- Social and therapeutic stories
- Problem solving
How are children or young people referred for ELSA?
- Class teacher referral
- ALNCo referral
- Parent referral
- Child referral
- Outside agency referral
For more information about ELSA Support please visit their website here.
Teulu Cymru - Childcare and Support for Families
The Welsh Government have launched 'Teulu Cymru', a new brand which brings its main childcare and parenting campaigns under one roof.
Teulu Cymru or “Family of Wales,” is here for parents, carers and families of children aged 0-18, pointing them in the right direction for different Welsh Government sources of practical and financial support.
From parenting tips and expert development advice, to help with childcare costs - Teulu makes it a little easier to access this support in one place.
For more information, follow the links below: