School Meals
School meals are freshly prepared on the premises each day.
The menus are on a three week rotation. This ensures variety with a focus on fresh fruit, vegetables and salads. Due to our commitment to healthy eating, our ingredients have reduced saturated fat, sugar and salt. All foods are baked or steamed, except chips which are only served once a week. Fresh fruit, wholemeal bread, yoghurt, cheese and biscuits, ice cream, semi-skimmed milk and water are also available daily.
If you prefer, your child may bring a healthy packed lunch.
Special Menus for Dietary Requirements
A menu plan can be created specifically for your child. Medical/dietetic information will be needed, and the Local Authority's nutritionally trained management team will work with you to prepare a suitable menu. They will inform the school and catering team who will be told about the allergy/intolerance and receive the menu daily.
Free School Meals
All children in primary schools are entitled to free school meals as part of the Welsh Government scheme (UPFSM).
In addition to this, parents who receive certain benefits are entitled to further grants for their children.
You can apply for this online here:
Cashless Catering
As all pupils in primary schools now receive free school meals through the UPFSM scheme, you no longer need to top up your child's cashless catering balance. In some cases, you may be required to make a payment for school dinners taken before your child was entitled to free school meals.
Click here to pay for school meals through the Local Authority website.
Please be aware that when you make a payment to your child's dinner money account, it can take up to 24 hours to show up on our system.
If you have a credit balance on your child's cashless catering account when they leave the school, or become eligible for free school meals, please complete a refund form (see below) and return to the school office for processing.
Breaktime Snacks & Drinks
To encourage healthy eating, children are able to bring a healthy snack for their morning break. This can be fruit, vegetables or yogurt. Sweets, crisps, biscuits, cake or chocolate are not permitted. The school's fruit tuck shop is available for pupils to purchase a piece of fruit at playtime if they wish.
Every child should also bring a water bottle to school every day. We ask that parents fill it for them daily and that the bottle is washed every evening. Children can top up their bottles during the day if required.
Due to a number of food allergies, and because we are a healthy school, we do not allow cakes or sweets to be brought into class to celebrate birthdays.
School Milk Scheme
Free milk is offered to all pupils in Nursery - Year 2.
Non-dairy, plant based alternatives can be provided at the school’s discretion - please contact the school office for more information.